Value Creation

A facility’s operating environment can often be characterized by limited human resources and technical capabilities. This may lead to a focus on merely maintaining operations, often neglecting ongoing value improvement through minimal capital expenditures. Lacking proper resources, facility organizations can become complacent and unmotivated to change. An outside view and fresh-eyed perspective of your plant is sometimes necessary to identify areas of improvement.

In tandem with your technical, optimization, and planning resources, we can help identify different processing strategies that create additional value within your existing plant. The collective and complementary skills of our consultants enable us to model our client’s entire downstream value chain and design a comprehensive optimization of the refining assets that considers all commercial factors. We have the benefit of having worked for some of the top refining organizations in the world and in a variety of refining environments. This invaluable experience furthers our ability to identify and deliver significant value enhancement.

Our studies typically employ the following skill sets:

Want to create more value in your facility?

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